Supported Asterisk versions from FreePBX 16/17

I have been using Asterisk Certified 18 with FreePBX 16 for some time, and now Asterisk Certified 20 seems to be coming out soon.

Does FreePBX 16 support Asterisk Certified 20? How is it the other way around? Will FreePBX 17 still support Asterisk Certified 18?

In regards to Certified 20 it’s not coming out “soon”. The branch was created, no candidates yet, still needs to be put through testing, no release date as of yet.

I expect that both Freepbx 16 and 17 will support 20cert, but its a medium priority task. I dont envision supporting anything below 20 in FreePBX 17 unless someone can make a compelling use case.

Yes, I have seen that the published script installs Asterisk 20. So I assumed that a version below that would not work.


I hadn’t checked a release date, just discovered the branch, so I asked.

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