Superfecta - new errors and timeouts

You know in another post IVR only accepting 1 digit - #23 by sentinelace @tm1000 asked “Why are you running edge on production machines?” pointing out the new release that caused the complaint it the post was in edge for a reason.

However, this is probably how people end up with Edge stuff on their system. Being told almost all the time the answer is to upgrade and that it is in Edge. If Edge is there for testing/finalizing the update/release before pushing it to the Stable repo for people to update with then suggesting it for almost everything when telling people to upgrade makes it kind of pointless because you just end up with rando’s that see posts like this and jump on Edge.

Edge is either there for testing modules before they go Stable or it’s there for Stable updates to be pulled from. It can’t be both and you can’t have it both ways.

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