Strange error on restore on mysql asteriskcdr not writing giving error acdrunichan

Hi all,

I am having strange issue while my cdrs were working fine but now suddenly I receive this error and cdrs are not writing in to the pbx. I am using FreePBX 16.

[2024-11-19 12:07:35] WARNING[17364]: res_odbc.c:529 ast_odbc_print_errors: SQL Execute returned an error: 42S02: [MySQL][ODBC 5.2(w) Driver][mysqld-5.5.65-MariaDB]Table 'asteriskcdrdb.acdrunichan' doesn't exist
[2024-11-19 12:07:35] WARNING[17364]: res_odbc.c:424 ast_odbc_prepare_and_execute: SQL Execute error -1!
[2024-11-19 12:07:35] WARNING[17364]: cdr_adaptive_odbc.c:765 odbc_log: cdr_adaptive_odbc: Insert failed on 'asteriskcdrdb:cdr'.  CDR failed: INSERT INTO cdr (calldate, clid, src, dst, dcontext, channel, dstchannel, lastapp, lastdata, duration, billsec, disposition, amaflags, accountcode, uniqueid, recordingfile, cnum, cnam, outbound_cnum, linkedid, peeraccount, sequence) VALUES ({ ts '2024-11-19 12:06:28' }, '"" <123456789>', '123456789', '123456789', 'from-internal', 'PJSIP/501-0000000a', 'SIP/VoipInnovations-00000008', 'Dial', 'SIP/VoipInnovations/123456789,300,Ttb(func-apply-sipheaders^s^1,(2))', 32, 0, 'FAILED', 3, 'Outbound', '1732046788.240', 'out-123456789-501-20241119-120628-1732046788.240.wav', '501', 'Mark Ladd', '123456789', '1732046788.240', 'Outbound', 230)

lgaetzLorne Gaetz

Sep 2018

I’ve seen these errors before, and they’ve always been caused by some oddball Asternic Reports MySQL TRIGGER.

So what do you suggest.

Due to this cdrs are not writing in the database and can’t see them on the CDRs page.

I suggest you contact asternic.

What about installing the asternic cdr stats pro?

I don’t have any comment on anything Asternic.

What about if we can restore the system without these tables.

This was installed on our old server Asternic Stats pro.


And I am pretty sure that when we restored the backup from the old server, on new server there is no such table and I don’t know what change Asternic implemented in the code to write the CDRs which is affecting the CDRs.

There must be a way to at least backup the server without this or on the new server we can ignore in the cdr values and make Freepbx work with it’s default cdrs behavior.

You chose to add Asternic so you broke the “default” behavior :wink: , use mysql’s SHOW TRIGGERS and thus DROP TRIGGER . . . to delete any unneeded triggers, use ALTER TABLE DROP . . . command to drop those ‘acdr*’ columns from asteriskcdrdb if you don’t use Asternic anymore

I have found what was the issue and where it’s coming from


I have used this approach to drop every single one of them but still I am getting the cdrs failed.

It’s still trying to for that table.

WARNING[8751]: res_odbc.c:529 ast_odbc_print_errors: SQL Execute returned an error: 42S02: [MySQL][ODBC 5.2(w) Driver][mysqld-5.5.65-MariaDB]Table 'asteriskcdrdb.acdrunichan' doesn't exist
[2024-11-19 19:04:38] WARNING[8751]: res_odbc.c:424 ast_odbc_prepare_and_execute: SQL Execute error -1!

I did fwconsole restart and fwconsole chown but nothing worked.

You still have the acdrscedule table which probably still has a trigger

ok removed.

What to do next?

MariaDB [asteriskcdrdb]> DROP TABLE acdrschedule;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.01 sec)

MariaDB [asteriskcdrdb]> show tables;
| Tables_in_asteriskcdrdb |
| cdr |
| cel |
| queuelog |
| transient_cdr |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

MariaDB [asteriskcdrdb]>

I fixed with the help of @dicko . thanks Dicko!.

Following has been done to fix this issue.

rm -rf /var/www/html/cdrstats

USE asteriskcdrdb;

DROP TABLE acdrschedule;
DROP TABLE acdrchannels;
DROP TABLE acdrcost;
DROP TABLE acdrnormalisationrules;
DROP TABLE acdrrates;
DROP TABLE acdrsetup;
DROP TABLE acdruserchannel;
DROP TABLE acdruserfilter;
DROP TABLE acdrusers;

SHOW TRIGGERS FROM asteriskcdrdb;

MariaDB [asteriskcdrdb]> SHOW TRIGGERS FROM asteriskcdrdb;
| Trigger      | Event  | Table | Statement                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              | Timing | Created | sql_mode | Definer        | character_set_client | collation_connection | Database Collation |
| simp_channel | INSERT | cdr   | BEGIN

SET @orichn   = ''; SET @dstchn = '';

SELECT SUBSTRING(NEW.dstchannel,1,LENGTH(NEW.dstchannel)-LOCATE("-",REVERSE(NEW.dstchannel))) INTO @dstchn;

IF @dstchan LIKE 'Local/FM%' THEN

SELECT CONCAT('SIP/',SPLIT_STR(REPLACE(REPLACE(dstchannel,'#','-'),'@','-'),'-',2)) INTO @dstchn;
REPLACE INTO acdrunichan VALUES (NEW.uniqueid,@orichn,@dstchn);


REPLACE INTO acdrunichan VALUES (NEW.uniqueid,@orichn,@dstchn);

END | AFTER  | NULL    |          | root@localhost | utf8                 | utf8_general_ci      | utf8mb4_unicode_ci |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

DROP TRIGGER simp_channel;

SHOW TRIGGERS FROM asteriskcdrdb;


fwconsole restart

This is the whole activity to fix this issue.

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