Stopping a call Recording while Parked

Hi There!
I am trying to find a way to stop calls from being recorded while they are parked.
On our old FreePBX 15 system, this happen automatically.
I upgraded our system to a FreePBX 16 system and now calls are being recorded while they are on Park.

I found these but cannot find the contextx in the usual place they are on a base Asterisk system.
Adding them to extensions_custom.conf does not seem to work.

; Parking feature code (*2 default in Asterisk)
exten => _70X,1,NoOp(Parking call)
exten => _70X,n,StopMixMonitor() ; Stop recording before parking
exten => _70X,n,Park() ; Park the call (default lot is 701-720)

; When call is retrieved (handled by res_parking)
exten => s,1,NoOp(Call retrieved from parking)
exten => s,n,MixMonitor(${MONITOR_FILE},a) ; Resume recording, append to existing file
exten => s,n,Goto(default,100,1) ; Return to original flow (adjust as needed)

Any ideas on turning off recording while calls are parked, then resuming the recording when picked up?

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