SNMP Configuration Asterisk 11

I am struggling to get this working on asterisk 13 glad to see someone else has gotten it going at least.

I followed a post associated with this and for the most part it all seems to have taken Compiling Asterisk with the res_snmp module - #7 by alan

If i walk SNMP from .1.3.6 i get everything so i know my auth is working on v3, however I can’t get it to respond as asterisk specifically. Any ideas?

I have the asterisk rmp installed so that’s out of the way.

yum install asterisk13-snmp.x86_64
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, kmod
Setting up Install Process
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Package asterisk13-snmp-13.9.1-1.shmz65.1.115.x86_64 already installed and latest version
Nothing to do

xagent appears to be firing up so we got that

May 17 13:37:13 3cx snmpd[45868]: Turning on AgentX master support.
May 17 13:37:14 3cx snmpd[45871]: NET-SNMP version 5.5

I believe the MIB is loaded as well since SNMP does respond to requests for it

snmpwalk -v 3 -u USER -a SHA -A PASS -l authPriv -x AES -X KEY astVersionString.0
ASTERISK-MIB::astVersionString.0 = No Such Object available on this agent at this OID

This doesn’t result in anything but an error for me unfortunatly. I think that may be the center of my issue… not sure?

asterisk -rx ‘module load’
Unable to load module
Command ‘module load’ failed.
