SMSconnector Help

I am attempting to enable SMS and MMS from my UPC. I was recommended the smsconnector repo by Bill Simon (Simon Telephonics).

I have installed the application and am trying to get it fully set up. I can SEND SMS messages from my UPC, but I can’t RECEIVE them into my UPC. The documentation lists the following:

For inbound SMS/MMS and outbound MMS to work, you will need an HTTPS path inbound to your PBX from your provider(s). This means:

  • Import or generate a TLS certificate in Certificate Manager
  • Enable it on the web server using Sysadmin Pro or by manually configuring Apache
  • Allow your provider(s) webhook addresses through the FreePBX Firewall and/or your network firewall
  • Set the public DNS name in the AMPWEBADDRESS setting: Advanced Settings → FreePBX Web Address

Sending of SMS/MMS requires verification and registration performed through your provider and is outside of the scope of this module or document.

I have:

  • Enabled Lets Encrypt on Port 80 in Port Management
  • Generated a Lets Encrypt certificate in Certificate Manager
  • Set the Lets Encrypt certificate as default
  • Installed the certificate in HTTPS Settings

I have not done something in “Sysadmin Pro” since I haven’t paid for Sysadmin Pro. However, isn’t installing it in HTTPS Settings the same thing? Since I can access my Admin panel from https:// mydomain[dot]com without having certificate warnings, I assume that step is satisfied?

I then:

  • Went to FreePBX Advanced Settings > System Setup > FreePBX Web Address and added https:// mydomain[dot]com

The only step unsatisfied (if I haven’t done anything else wrong) is to “Allow your provider(s) webhook addresses through the FreePBX Firewall and/or your network firewall”

My provider is Telnyx. My webhook URL in my Messaging profile is “http:// telnyxwebhooks[dot]com:8084/[LONG STRING OF CHARACTERS].” So I:

Unfortunately, while I can send outgoing text messages, I still can’t receive text messages in my UPC. Leading me to believe I messed up somewhere along the way, likely either that I NEED Sysadmin Pro for SMSconnector to work, or I did the thing totally wrong when adding the webhook to my firewall.

Has anyone else seen success here and can let me know what I’ve done wrong? Additionally, does SMSconnector enable SIP SIMPLE messaging support for implementation with other apps?