SMS via UCP on FreePBX 15.x


I purchased a SIPStation trunk with verified by SIPStation SMS capable DIDs and successfully manually configured the Trunks and Routes using [this Wiki page.]( I can Imake and receive voice calls on those DIDs/Trunks. In Module Admin, I have active UCP, SIPSTATION, and SMS modules. 
I found 2 Wiki pages on setting up SMS, one under UCP and one under Modules. They say very similar things - >Admin>User Management>User X>SIPStation SMS DIDs>click DID tick box. 

On this page they also show but do not mention an “Allow SMS” toggle on the User page.
I do not see anything about SMS after checking every tab on several users in User Managment. Creating an Inbound Route with the SIPStation SMS capable DID did not change anything in that users User Management config tabs. In UCP, I don’t see SMS as an available Widget to create, but I am guessing I may have to get the User Management part figured out first.
On the 2 SMS setup Wiki pages, one mentions FPBX 14 and one mentions 12. Has SMS been deprecated on 15 ? It feels like I am missing something fundamental but I can’t see it. Thanks in advance. I’m on

Well I borked the posting on this thread… My apologies.

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