Sipstation Connectivity Check Fails

When performing the Connectivity Check in the SIPstation module I get the following result:

IPs for external are configured correctly. Port forwarding for SIPstation is configured correctly. Equipment and Configuration is the same as previous FreePBX and SIPstation installs. I have 2 way audio on inbound and outbound calls. However still I get this failure when running the connectivity test.

I see where someone posted that opening would solve this, but we have not had to do that in the past. Also resolves to multiple IP addresses which would mean multiple firewall rules to add just for the test to pass when the turnks already work, which doesn’t make a lot of sense.

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I am seeing the same thing. It started today though. 6/6. I really think it is on their end. Doing a packet capture while “checking connectivity” I see NO traffic to my PBX. Nothing is failing.

I have 2 way audio. My external IPs, Contact IPs and Network IPs match. Ports are open and always have been. Nothing changed on my side. Just stopped working.

So the magic here uses the old mirror. Per a blog post they are dropping this behind cloudflare and doing some georedundancy. There is a chance that broke this functionality. This probably needs to be a ticket at It is technically a commercial module issue but that module uses the mirror so it’s hard to say…


Thanks James. I will open a ticket. It literally broke overnight.

Issue has been fixed and new Sipstation module released with the fix.
Ref - [FREEPBX-24234] SipStation model external connectivity test failing - Sangoma Issue Tracker for more detail.


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Thank you @kgupta. Updated the SipStation module this morning and the issue is resolved. :grinning:

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