SIP Trunking is often a peer-to-peer connection for the primary use of delivering PSTN connectivity over VoIP. SIP Trunking is delivered over a couple of different methods:
Internet Telephony Service Providers (ITSP)
- Deliver SIP Trunking over the Internet
Managed Service Providers (MSP)
- Deliver SIP Trunking over the dedicated carriers WAN connections
The application of security solutions involves providing a firewall in combination with an IP‑PBX that’s used to define the peer-to-peer relationship at various networks and VoIP application layers, and also ensuring signaling and media are secure as well.
In the example above, the IP‑PBX resides behind a typical network firewall. The firewall is the border element between Internet or Untrusted Network Zones and Local Area Networks or Trusted Zones. The firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and outgoing network traffic and decides whether to allow or block specific traffic based on a defined set of security rules.
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