Show the CF status on phone with BLF


Is it possible to show the call forward status (*72) on a phone with BLF (to know if the CF is activate or no)
I use a grandstream phone (GXV3240).
If it’s possible how to make that ?

Best regards,

Never tried CF, but FollowMe works for sure.

There is a hint associated with the CF toggle feature code. You can program a BLF in either of two formats:



Thanks for the reply.

I tried this :
BLF *9620160484776655

2016 is my extension
0484776655 is my phone number

When i push the button the CF is set.
But i can’t suppress the CF if i press a second time the button.
And the BLF is always green.

Is it normal ?

Best regards,

A quick look over the dialplan and it does appear that the toggle feature code when dialed with a destination number can only enable CF, not disable. It does appear that *96<ext> will both enable and disable (as a toggle should). This seems to me to be an oversight, the toggle feature code should actually toggle regardless of whether a destination number is dialed or not. Open an issue of type ‘Improvement’ if you feel like it’s something you can use.


I found a solution,
I create a BLF button set with *962008 (2008 is my extension)
When i push on it the ip phone ask the number for the CF and after the led turn red (to tell the CF is ON)
When i push a second time the led turn green (no CF activated)

Thanks for your help,
Best regards,

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