Service XXX start|stop|restart replaced with fwconsole

Hello, I’ve always used freepbx 13 and just jumped to 15(details at the bottom). I’ve found the service command has been cut down and mostly replaced with fwconsole.

for example I used to perform
#service asterisk restart
now its
#fwconsole restart

When I initially setup new boxes I always change the ssh port from 22. The way I’ve always done it is in CLI
#vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
after doing so, you had to restart the service.
#service sshd restart

What is the replacement command for that?
If I have to restart the network?
#service network restart

Anything else you need let me know.
Appreciate your help and patience.

Asterisk 16.6.2 built by mockbuild @ jenkins7 on a x86_64 running Linux on 2019-11-22

For the most part, fwconsole does’t touch services other asterisk (and to some degree iptables if firewall is enabled).

No need to change your practices because of FreePBX, but you may want to move to the systemd equivalents of service, chkconfig, etc. Google “sysv systemd cheat sheet”

This is amazing. Thank you for the speedy help!

FYI, it has never been acceptable to start asterisk on a FreePBX system using that command, unless run it as the asterisk user. The only supported way to start/restart asterisk on a FreePBX system is fwconsole start or going back to old versions, amportal start.

I’ve read that in my research for this topic before posting. I’ll have to use amportal for my older boxes.


I think the initial confusion here was two-fold: service vs systemctl & amportal vs fwconsole

Older versions of CentOS used service for managing services; now systemctl is the defacto for service management. (system still exists for backwards compatibility) Sangoma has nothing to do with this, as this is the case with all CentOS systems, based on major version.

FreePBX older versions used amportal for various Asterisk/FreePBX service and management tasks; now fwconsole is used.

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