Server Errors-Is it time to upgrade

I have an old Dell T105 server running my Freepbx software. Here is my latest information.

PBX Version:
PBX Distro: 12.7.8-2306-1.sng7
Asterisk Version: 19.8.0

However, I have been getting config errors, and just received this error in Freepbx

Exception (2002)

SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused::SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused

I rebooted and the system is again running ell. I did a backup as well. However, I am wondering if I need a new server box and if I should get a sangoma. I have old phones and a analog for my home phone lines. Memory says I have 3788 with 1007 used. I only have a 60 gig hard disk.

Should I look to get a new server box. Its been great for all the companies I have. Issues though when power goes out or if system reboots it sometimes freezes unless I hit f1 key etc. I also have issues with my ddns. I would appreciate peoples thoughts. Thanks

Have you checked if your storage is full?

I have it is not full over 50% available.

Concentrate your efforts on why mysql/mariadb is crashing.

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