Thought this might be useful for some… I use FreePBX at home and have a single DID with VoIP.ms. I wanted incoming text messages to be re-broadcast to all the extensions in the house so everyone can see the message. When someone then replies to the incoming text message, I wanted the reply to be re-broadcast to all the extension so everyone knows a reply was sent. I also prefix the reply with the sending extension when it gets re-broadcast to the internal extensions.
To set this up:
- Set the
Message Context
for the VoIP.ms trunk. - Set the
Message Context
for each extension that you want to send text messages from. - Add the following code to the
file (Found in the Admin → Config Edit page).
a. Note that you will need to skim through the code and update your pbx address, which extensions you want to forward too and your voip.ms server.
exten => _.,1,NoOp(Inbound SMS dialplan invoked)
exten => _.,n,NoOp(To ${MESSAGE(to)})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(From ${MESSAGE(from)})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(Body ${MESSAGE(body)})
exten => _.,n,Set(HOST_TO=${CUT(MESSAGE(to),@,2)})
exten => _.,n,Set(ACTUAL_FROM=${MESSAGE(from)})
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE EXTENSION NUMBERS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; I am using extension 103, 105, 112 and 114. Update as necessary.
exten => _.,n,Gosub(sms-in-broadcast,s,1(${ACTUAL_FROM},103,105,112,114))
exten => _.,n,Hangup()
exten => _.,1,NoOp(Outbound Message dialplan invoked)
exten => _.,n,NoOp(To ${MESSAGE(to)})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(From ${MESSAGE(from)})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(Body ${MESSAGE(body)})
exten => _.,n,Set(NUMBER_FROM=${CUT(CUT(MESSAGE(from),@,1),:,2)})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(sms-out NUMBER_FROM ${NUMBER_FROM})
exten => _.,n,Set(NUMBER_TO=${CUT(CUT(MESSAGE(to),@,1),:,2)})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(sms-out NUMBER_TO ${NUMBER_TO})
exten => _.,n,Gosub(sms-out-external,s,1(${NUMBER_TO}))
; Prepend the message body with the "From" extension.
; This just makes it easier to notice that these messages
; are re-broadcasts and not from the external sender.
same => n,Set(ORIGINAL_MESSAGE=${MESSAGE(body)})
same => n,Set(MESSAGE(body)=${NEW_MESSAGE})
; Broadcast the sms message to the rest of the phones.
; The "From" address will actually need to be the external phone
; number so the message shows up in the right spot.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE EXTENSION NUMBERS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
; I am using extension 103, 105, 112 and 114. Update as necessary.
exten => _.,n,Gosub(sms-out-broadcast,s,1(${NUMBER_TO},${NUMBER_FROM},104,105,112,114))
exten => _.,n,Hangup()
exten => s,1,NoOp(Broadcasting sms to all devices)
same => n,Set(ACTUAL_FROM=${ARG1})
same => n,NoOp(broadcast actual from ${ACTUAL_FROM})
same => n,Set(i=2)
same => n,While($[${i} <= ${ARGC}])
same => n,NoOp(Argument ${i}: ${ARG${i}})
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE PBX ADDRESS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
same => n,MessageSend(pjsip:${ARG${i}}@pbx.example.com,${ACTUAL_FROM})
same => n,NoOp(Send status is ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
same => n,Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
same => n,EndWhile
same => n,NoOp(Completed sms incoming broadcast)
same => n,Return()
exten => s,1,NoOp(Sending sms to external number)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE YOUR PHONE NUMBER HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
exten => _.,n,Set(EXTERNAL_NUMBER_FROM=5555555555)
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE VOIP.MS SERVERS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
exten => _.,n,Set(ACTUAL_FROM=sip:${EXTERNAL_NUMBER_FROM}@toronto1.voip.ms)
exten => _.,n,Set(ACTUAL_TO=pjsip:VoIP.ms/sip:${ARG1}@toronto1.voip.ms)
exten => _.,n,MessageSend(${ACTUAL_TO},${ACTUAL_FROM})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(Send status is ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
exten => _.,n,NoOp(sms sent externally)
exten => _.,n,Return()
exten => s,1,NoOp(Broadcasting sms to all other devices)
; ACTUAL_FROM is actually the external number we are sending too
; so that the sms shows up in the correct spot on the other devices
; Example formatting:
; "broadcast actual from "5555555555" <sip:[email protected]>"
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE VOIP.MS SERVERS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
same => n,Set(ACTUAL_FROM="${ARG1}" <sip:${ARG1}@toronto1.voip.ms>)
same => n,Set(i=3)
same => n,While($[${i} <= ${ARGC}])
same => n,NoOp(Argument ${i}: ${ARG${i}})
; Check if the "from extension" is the same we are about to send too.
; If so, skip over this one
same => n,GotoIf($[${ARG${i}} = ${ARG2}]?from_same_extension)
; Send the message:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; UPDATE PBX ADDRESS HERE ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
same => n,MessageSend(pjsip:${ARG${i}}@pbx.example.com,${ACTUAL_FROM})
same => n,NoOp(Send status is ${MESSAGE_SEND_STATUS})
same => n(from_same_extension),Set(i=$[${i} + 1])
same => n,EndWhile
same => n,NoOp(Completed sms outgoing broadcast)
same => n,Return()