We recently setup a FreePBX 17 and purchased the 20pack SangomaConnect for Mobile phones.
As of title, the visual voicemail is not working: it show the messages, allow to delete, but not play audio. The dots just spin forever.
Dialing the voicemail everything is fine.
Our FreePBX is in a dedicated VLAN so from LAN there is a router/firewall that control the access and from Internet there is also NAT that can cause issue. I can’t find any documentation of what is needed, if anything is needed, to make things work.
Compare the behavior with the ucp voicemail widget or list of voicemails ucp is showing is same as talk visual voicemail or not, does ucp voicemail widget works fine for you ?
If you are not able to make progress then I would suggest you to raise commercial module support ticket so any of our support team member can help you out to solve your issue.
This IP is our server which is executing Voicemail Webview so this ip should be whitelisted in the firewall of PBX or external firewall if configured in front of PBX in order to fetch/play the audio file from the PBX.
Ok but what do you means by “whitelisted”?
What exact service/protocol/port should this ip be allowed to access on freepbx instance?
Could be already “whitelisted”…
I changed the port of Sangoma Connect to 8443 for the reasons already explained.
Typing https://pbx.mydomain.tld:8443 in a browser returm me a forbidden page with no https warning, so the web server is reachable from everywhere. I can see an entry in the access log of my reverse proxy.
But I can’t see any hit to pbx.mydomain.tld:8443 in the access log of my reverse proxy when opening Visual Voicemail from Sangoma Talk Android App and any access attempt from
As already written when I visit https://pbx.mydomain.tld:8443/ with a browser or curl I get a response from freebx (403 Forbidden) and reverse proxy log the access and tcpdump show traffic, no matters of the network (LAN, VPN, WAN).
But when I open Visual Voicemail in Sangoma Talk Android app nothing happens in the logs.
I can also add: apparently my android phone never attemt to connect to
I can’t.
6443 is not forwarded by cloudflare proxy.
It would be nice and a lot easier for firewall/proxy if all http(s) services of freepbx were accessible under only 80/443 ports, maybe under different path and/or different hostname/SNI…