Started happening again, except there was no indication anywhere in the FreePBX GUI or Fail2Ban logs that anything was blocked. Zippo.
I figured it out by disabling the Responsive Firewall entirely. Magically the mobile phone app started working. Re-enable, the app disconnected after a few minutes. Disable…reconnects.
Provisionally, bumping Max Retry on the Intrusion Detection tab to 100 seems to resolve it.
Heading things off at the pass: I am NOT looking for a fix and I am not going to collect logs or do any digging on this. I’m reporting an issue and offering a potential work-around for anyone else having the same problem.
I don’t use the FreePBX firewall module so forgive me for my ignorance, but I thought that the Responsive Firewall feature was supposed to whitelist those mobile apps on the fly? How are you accomplishing the whitelisting without it?
There seems to be some rather significant gaps between what it is supposed to do and what it is doing. Nothing shows in the various status areas in terms of registered hosts, rate-limited hosts, blocked hosts, etc. And yet it is clearing blocking things.
There also seems to be a malfunction between it and the behavior of the SangomaTalk app, as whatever the app is doing seems to be causing the IP from which it is connecting to get blocked. Hard to be certain, since the GUI-based reporting isn’t showing anything.