SangomaConnect will not enable - cannot generate tickets

At some point this morning something went wrong with SangomaConnect (working around 7am, not working around 10am). Was getting an error report that the module was broken.

Attempted a couple upgrades and installs with error messages, eventually deleted the module entirely and redownloaded/installed. The module is now accessible, but Sangoma Talk status is “Not running” and Cloudconnect Status is “Running”.

It’s showing a message at the top " Domain not configured, please generate your SSL certificates". I’ve used the Run Domain Action to register domain, which appears to work (at least does not give an error).

The Run Domain Action to generate certificates returns the error “Cannot set certificates from the registry server
Deployment ssl API response message: Mandatory paramter not provided

In cert manager I deleted the old certificate in case that was the issue, but still get the same error.

If I click “Enable Sangoma Talk” I get an error banner saying “Domain not configured. Cannot start SangomaConnect server
{“status”:true}” and a popup that just says “Server Error - Something went wrong.”

I’ve also deleted all users from SangomaConnect, trying to essentially start from the beginning as much as possible.

This is on a PBXact appliance.
PBX Version:
PBX Distro: 12.7.8-2306-1.sng7
Asterisk Version: 18.9

I can’t get into the portal to create a ticket either. Had to create an entirely new account, which is currently flagged, and a day is a very long time to wait while in meltdown mode for all remote employees.

Was this resolved ?

I couldn’t figure the solution, but it was kicked up to tech support and Chris was able to solve within a couple days.

There may have been a few moving parts, I had uninstalled the module, but not removed, and having trouble with renewing certs that I think may have been a timing/sequence thing. Removing and reinstalling solve those issues.

Still had a little issue with connection possibly due to using nonstandard ports (Zulu had previously been installed), and swapping the ports to the default ports and fixing it in firewall solved it.

So: overall, not really positive what caused it, but removing and reinstalling solved whatever the issue was in the process.

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