SangomaConnect module update breaks it

Updated the module on a v15 system last week and that broke it, just like what happens with in-place upgrades. After screwing with ports and firewalls and end-user devices for hours over days, we removed the SangomaConnect module entirely, re-installed, re-configured, and re-invited all the end users. That fixed it.

For the love of all that is good, PLEASE QC your updates better (at all?). This kind of thing is not tolerable.


Hello @FreerPBXer

I like to know more details like which version to which version upgrade happened and then what all kind of issues happened?

Above details will help to re-produce the issue locally and introspect to see how we can improve the QA better.

Without reproducing the issue, its hard for me to say anything.

As this is commercial module so you can raise the support ticket with all the details or share the details with me via email to [email protected] or you can share here for benefits of others to know the behavior and solution as well.

Best Regards,

And I can’t be tasked with telling you how to do QA. I’m not a software developer or manager of that process.

EVERY inline upgrade we’ve done in the last 18 months or so does this. Every. Single. One. After the upgrade, SangomaConnect is broken in multiple ways. Cannot add users. The client doesn’t work at all. Complete removal of the client app and reinvite fails to configure the app completely. The only way to fix it is to completely remove the SangomaConnect module from the system, reinstall it, reconfigure it, and re-add/configure all of the users.

As I’ve said elsewhere, we are seeing SO MANY issues across a broad client base, I struggle to see how you can be doing much of any real-world testing on the code. Maybe instead of me telling you how to reproduce a problem you can describe your testing protocol for the two upgrade methods? Do you test against systems that have been in place for years? Systems that have been previously upgraded? Systems that have modules that are out of date? How are you trapping errors and recovering from them? How are faults in the software reported? Who and how is it decided which should be ‘shipped’ to customers?

I’m really, really frustrated here because we are spending HOURS every day now (including today) of unbillable time attempting to get your shoddy support to do anything and attempting to recover from or work around problems. It’s insane.

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What hardware platform are you performing upgrades on ?

We’ve had this happen on bare metal installs and Hyper-V. I don’t think the platform is the problem here.

Simply publishing a list of known issues would go a long way. As would waiting until there are less to release updates. This assumes, of course, that you are doing enough testing to find the issues.

I cannot find the original post were @BlazeStudios asked about SangomaConnect module updates on v15 systems, but I have verified that that module has updates being pushed to v15 systems. The change log for this v15 system is identical to v16 systems, including the spelling error.