I checked in both user management (made sure the display name was correct too) and the extensions, made sure there wasnt any updates pending, made sure there isnt an issue with expired licenses, tried updating sangoma api to edge, and I’m not sure where to look next. Any suggestions?
contacts Not updating names i am assuming you are trying to change the contact name in the Freepbx and that is not reflecting in your talk app right ?
If yes then did you in the past tried to disable/enable the Sangoma cloud domain action via sangomaconnect module?
If you did “domain action” again then you need to re-provision the app again.
You can enable the mobile app log by following below wiki and then try to swipe down the contact list so app will try to fetch new contacts and then check “fetch contact api” event in the log, if api is failed to get the response then its due to disable/enable “domain action” and requires app to re-provision. https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SS1/pages/30999253/How+to+collect+logs+from+mobile+app
Correct on not seeing names updating in the app properly. I didnt want to have to make everyone get a new invite just to update a name. I feel like it used to update on its own just fine.