Sangoma (soft) Phone : Your Credentials are invalid

Getting “Your Credentials are invalid” trying to login to Sangoma Phone. Does anyone have any debugging strategies for this error?

I would assume the issue is the user:pass, but maybe the server address? The Username and Password will need to match what is set for the user in Admin→User Management. These will be the same credentials that are used for logging in to UCP.

Sangoma Phone Desktop Client - Sangoma Softphones - Documentation (

Actually the Sangoma Talk app doesn’t use a username/password combo. It’s the email link that authenticates your session.

When we’ve run into this issue in the past. You have to cancel out of the user/pass prompt and go to the cog gear and reset the application for it to kick you out/bring you back to the “Request Login link email” page.

Then resend the email and try clicking on the “Login link” again to see if it’ll authenticate correctly this time.

On some deployments we’ve also had to Run the Cloud Connect and Run Domain update actions before it would finally authenticate using the link in the email.

Thank you Igor…this issue is in the Sangoma Phone (for desktop). I believe you may be thinking about Sangoma Talk for mobile phones. There isn’t an activation link for this…or if it was sent…anyway to use it as part of the login process. Unless I’m missing something!

Yeah I can login to UCP with the creds, just not into Sangoma Talk with the same creds. Perplexing!

Do you see the failed login attempts on the FreePBX log?

You are correct. Sangoma Phone on the desktop does use user name and password.

Can you verify that you have use of the Sangoma Phone enabled under the individual user in User Manager?

No, nothing generated in that log from a login attempt

Yes it is enabled.

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