Sangoma phone desktop BLF?

Can the desktop client monitor BLF’s for feature codes? Specifically I have 280 as a feature code for a Call Flow Control that i’d like to be able to monitor if the main receptionist sets/unsets. We can do this with our yealink phones, and i’ve gotten it working with some other soft phones, but when i add a contact in the app it doesn’t let me put a "" in the number field.

If i go into the UCP and edit/set my favorites for my various feature codes, with the “*” in front of them, they import into the Sangoma Phone softphone for windows on reload. But if I try to add the number through the softphone app itself, it only acepts numerical values. It does not accept a “+” either which could be an issue for e.164 dialing? I still don’t get blf status for the feature codes though.

Through the mobile sangoma Talk softphone on android, i can use non-numeric characters and I get a blf status for my features codes.

So unless i’m missing something, it looks like the desktop client is lacking in some functionality.

I can confirm, that adding a contact to the desktop favorites list that is not an extension but does have an associated hint, the BLF status doesn’t change. I’ve escalated to engineering to investigate.


Great, thanks, just to set expectations so I can determine how much effort to put in a workaround, how long do you think it’ll take to get a patch?

@lgaetz Just following up on that last question. Just to set expectations so I can determine how much effort to put in a workaround, how long do you think it’ll take to get a resolution?

It’s not an immediate engineering priority, so I don’t have an ETA to share. Right now, only local contacts have a BLF subscription, and there’s no way to have a feature code be a local contact.

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