I have few Sangoma P phones (310, 330, 370). In the main office there a couple of P370 now with different extension.
I created a general extension with a general voicemail where incoming calls are directed from IVR under some conditions.
I would like the two P370 use the same voicemail and both would be able to listen and manage all the messages of the general voicemail using with the PhoneApp.
I think I assigned the phones to the same general voicemail but I likely made some mistake because the PhoneApp on the phone doesnât show any message.
I think I did the required steps,based on what I found.
I agree that there are many thread on this topis, but not so many with useful and complete answer.
My phones blink red reporting messages in the general mailbox, but the Phone App doesnât show.
Iâm not interested in dialing to the voicemail to manage the messages.
I would like to do with app on the screen.
Would you mind sharing the link of one of these well documented procedures?
Iâve been able to do this for all P-Series phones EXCEPT the P370âs.
The method Iâve used is to configure the physical VM button (for P-Series handsets that have one) to use âStandard Voicemailâ (ie. to dial the configured âVM-Extnâ value for that extn) rather than open the Voicemail PhoneApp.
The only problem is that the P370âs donât have a physical VM button, they ONLY have an on-screen option to open the Voicemail PhoneApp (which does NOT respect the configured âVM-Key-Typeâ and/or âVM-Extnâ value for that extn).
I configure the P-Series handsets to use a common/shared VM-box (eg. V/Extn: 300) using the following method;
Use the Advanced tab within the âExtensionsâ Module to configure what VM-box the Extn should use (to store VMs & monitor via MWI), then dial when the user wants to access that VM-box;
Use the âOptionsâ tab within the P-Series provisioning Template (in EPM) to configure how the physical VM button should behave (âStandard Voicemailâ means dial the value held in VM-Extn - ie. *98300 in this case);
Complete - That combination of settings provide the desired behaviour for P-Series handsets with a physical VM button.
If only the Voicemail PhoneApp would use the configured VM-Extn value to determine what VM-Box to access (like the physical VM Buttons do on ALL Handsets Iâve ever used), then everything would be fine.
I have several small businesses that prefer to have a single common/shared VM-Box instead of one per Extn/User. Itâs much easier for them to manage when staff come & go/not all in the office each day.
What you can do, is, use the app on one P370 phone and a favorite line key (*98VM#) on the other P370 phone. I am not sure, if the BLF will work though.
The voicemail app currently just works with THE extension mailbox. I think support for one mailbox per ringgroup is highly needed. FEATURE REQUEST! Please! @kgupta
My current setup involve a âFavoriteâ touch button to dial the voice mail but itâs very inconvenient.
We need to type the password. We need to use keyes to manage/delete messages. We canât see the phone number of the party leaving message. We canât recall easilyâŚ
BTW, BLF status doensât reflect the presence of messages.
On the flagship most expensive phone this is absolutely unexpected.
You are rightâŚbut the P370 phone seems to be designed for the boss only and he usually has his own voicemailbox. The firmware is still in developmentâŚmany upgradesâŚ
In Europe (Austria) the P370 is now much cheaperâŚdonât know if this is a global phenomenon or just a local sale.
This is actually a similar price as the Sangoma s705 phoneâŚ6 years ago. You cannot compare the two
We bought Sangoma Phones from from a supplier in Germany, price a bit higher but affordable.
Our use case is for the main office / front desk.
We think the touch interface was more intuitive and easy to use.
An the phone less bulky that a P325+extension.
I really hope we can soon use the app for voicemail.
easiest thing Iâve found and has worked fine for years is:
In the gui, create a virtual extensions for the âgeneral voicemailâ, Example: extension 2000
setup VM on that extension.
Setup vm on all the extensions that will need access to the General VM.
SSH into the phone system.
change directory to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default
there youâll see directories for the General VM (2000) and all the other phones.
delete the directories for the phones you want to use the general VM.
Create softlinks to the 2000 directory for all the other phones. Then make sure to change ownership on those softlinks to asterisk:asterisk
So if real extension 301 needs to use the general VM, create a softlink 301 â 2000
after that all the VM buttons or BLF will act as if the VM in 2000 is the phones native VM.
(actual linux instructions purposely left out of these instructions because if you donât know how to do what I described, you probably shouldnât do it)