Sangoma Desktop phone

Have a very odd issue with the desktop phone, all was working OK and no major chnges have taken place to its config but it now wont log in and neither will the mobile chat appliction either. teh connect mobile client is working fine.

looking at ssl.conf I can see all the settings there and carping to another system are identical but doing a netstat -ltnp |grep 6445 ** im using 6445 not default but tried default and no differnet, I can see nothing is bound to the port unlike other systems ,

system is FPBX 16 and all modules are uptodate and match working systems.

As I mention in another post cant find the wiki notes so trouble shooting is getting hard ,

theres no errors obvious in logs and restarting the server makes no difference.

any pointers would be great, eather what to look for or to getting the old wiki info…

Is the Sangoma Desktop Client Service enabled under System Admin → Port Management?

Yep . and if I change the port there ssl.conf changes to reflect the change

mine shows nothing bound
[root@XXX log]# netstat -ltnp |grep 6445
[root@XXX log]#

Workikng server shows following, all working ones like this
tcp6 0 0 :::6443 ::: LISTEN 17519/httpd*

That’s weird. Is the valid SSL certificate properly installed to be used? Just having an SSL under Certificate Management isn’t enough. It needs to be installed/bound inside the system at the various locations as well.

Should be , it was working fine yesterday. ssl certs is valid and working for parties phones and phone apps as well as connect mobile client

Can’t find any errors in the logs

I’ve finished for today but will look tomorrow

FWIW it would be nice to have a working wiki and docs and not the current incarnation

I am getting this is the httpd error log but 6081 is linked to ucp i believe is my local office ip .

[Wed Nov 08 20:13:39.181394 2023] [proxy:error] [pid 13648] (111)Connection refused: AH00957: WS: attempt to connect to ( failed
[Wed Nov 08 20:13:39.181439 2023] [proxy:error] [pid 13648] AH00959: ap_proxy_connect_backend disabling worker for ( for 60s
[Wed Nov 08 20:13:39.181451 2023] [proxy_wstunnel:error] [pid 13648] [client] AH02452: failed to make connection to backend:

but no errors about connect

Ok build a new virtal server and did a restore and moved the licence over and its still the SAME !!!

am seeing this in the log which im not seeing on other servers.

asterisk/freepbx.log:2023-11-09 15:44:07 sngphone port values is 64433 !!!
asterisk/freepbx.log:2023-11-09 15:44:07 64433 is the new update and existing sngphone port values is !!!
asterisk/freepbx.log:2023-11-09 15:44:08 sngphone port values is 64433 !!!
asterisk/freepbx.log:2023-11-09 15:44:08 64433 is the new update and existing sngphone port values is !!!
asterisk/freepbx.log:2023-11-09 15:44:17 sngphone port values is 64433 !!!
asterisk/freepbx.log:2023-11-09 15:44:17 64433 is the new update and existing sngphone port values is !!!

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