Sangoma Connect Update Broken

This is what happens when I try and update

Module(s) requiring upgrades: sangomaconnect
Upgrading module ‘sangomaconnect’ from to
Downloading module ‘sangomaconnect’
Processing sangomaconnect
Verifying local module download…Redownloading
20721824/20722704 [===========================>] 99%The following error(s) occured:

  • File Integrity failed for /var/www/html/admin/modules/_cache/sangomaconnect- - aborting (sha1 did not match)

I’m getting he same error try to update the firewall module on PBXact v16 - It seems there maybe something wrong with their Update process/servers this morning.

My firewall module updated to just fine this morning but I’m getting the same error for sangomaconnect, and have been for a few weeks, so if something’s wrong with the update servers, it’s had the problem for some time. Would love to get this issue resolved.

Do you actually pay for a sangomaconnect license? If not you can just delete the module.

maybe related… I posted a new thread yesterday " ping sangoma" the mirror server which includes updates, is DOA.

Dunno why they call it mirror because obviously its the only server ( be it stand alone - knowing how cheap sangoma is the likely case) or they have multiple “local” servers but are using a crappy software load balancer (again, cheap) and most probable given the 503 error.

I retried to update the firewall module this morning & it went fine on several deployments. I assume that whatever the cause of the update issue that I had yesterday, it’s now been resolved.

I just updated again today and the problem is no longer there. It looks like they quietly fixed it with no reply or explanation.