Sangoma A101 Install Issues

I’m installing a Sangoma A101 on a new FreePBX14 server. I needed support to setup the card from the cli as it was not being seen by the GUI. I’m a bit concerned to install it because I keep seeing the following message

Please change permissions on /etc/wanpipe/global.conf or disable Sangoma DIGIUM mode

I’ve run fwconsole chown but the message keeps coming back. I’ve also noticed there is no global.conf in that folder


[root@freepbx ~]# /etc/wanpipe/global.conf fwconsole chown
-bash: /etc/wanpipe/global.conf: No such file or directory

I’ve installed quite a few A101 Sangoma cards but none have been as quirky as this install.

I missed the “touch” on your reply. I ran the command with the touch and it dropped down to the next line. Checking the file I now see a global.conf which was not there before


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