Commercial End Point Manager v17.0.1.88
I have two FPBX installations. In this example FPBX-1 and FPBX-2.
FPBX-1 has extensions 1xxx.
FPBX-2 has extensions 2xxx.
I am using the Commercial EPM to map the phone.
I have a Yealink phone-1 with account-1 that registers as ext1000 on FBPX-1.
Add Extension
Select 1000-1 from the list
Select Account-1 from the list
Select the Brand: Yealink
Enter the MAC Address: 0000 (MAC address of phone-1)
Select the Template: mytemplate
Select the Model: T46U
Save and Rebuild Config(s)
The same phone-1 has account-2 that registers as ext2000 on FPBX-2.
Add Extension
Select Custom Extension
This pops up a Create Custom Extension form
Extension Number: 2000
Extension Secrete: MySecret
Extension Label: Reception
Destination Server:
Transport: UDP
Sip Port: 5060
Click Send
Select Account-2
Select the Brand: Yealink
Enter the MAC Address: 0000 (MAC address of phone-1)
Select the Template: mytemplate
Select the Model: T46U
Save and Rebuild Config(s)
Note: This step creates this entry in the Custom Ext Management screen.
Next, I have a second phone at FPBX-1
Yealink phone-2 with account-1 that registers as ext1001 on FBPX-1.
Add Extension
Select 1001-1 from the list
Select Account-1 from the list
Select the Brand: Yealink
Enter the MAC Address: 0000 (MAC address of phone-1)
Select the Template: mytemplate
Select the Model: T46U
Save and Rebuild Config(s)
The same phone-2 has account-2 that registers as ext2000 on FPBX-2.
Repeat the above steps
Add Extension
Select Custom Extension
This pops up a Create Custom Extension form
Extension Number: 2000
Extension Secrete: MySecret
Extension Label: Reception
Destination Server:
Transport: UDP
Sip Port: 5060
Click Send
Select Account-2
Select the Brand: Yealink
Enter the MAC Address: 0000 (MAC address of phone-1)
Select the Template: mytemplate
Select the Model: T46U
Save and Rebuild Config(s)
This step creates a duplicate second entry in the Custom Ext Management screen.
With the Custom Ext Management screen open.
If I click on the either duplicate 2000-Reception listing, the settings for custom extension number xxxx screen is shown. Both show the same exact credentials. Showing the same credentials is what I expected to see so this is not a problem.
The problem is there is no way to tell which entry in the list belongs to phone-1 or phone-2.
Another problem.
Go to the Extension Mapping screen.
Select and delete the 2000-Reception (custom) entry.
Return to the Custom Ext Management screen.
You will see that there are still two entries listed.
Another problem.
Go to the Extension Mapping screen and re-add phone-2 account-2.
The same phone-2 has account-2 that registers as ext2000 on FPBX-2.
Repeat the above steps
Add Extension
Important to note that 2000-Reception is not shown in the Select Extension list.
Select Custom Extension
This pops up a Create Custom Extension form
Extension Number: 2000
Extension Secrete: MySecret
Extension Label: Reception
Destination Server:
Transport: UDP
Sip Port: 5060
Click Send
Select Account-2
Select the Brand: Yealink
Enter the MAC Address: 0000 (MAC address of phone-1)
Select the Template: mytemplate
Select the Model: T46U
Save and Rebuild Config(s)
This step creates a third duplicate entry in the Custom Ext Management screen.
Another problem.
Go to the Custom Ext Management screen
Click on +New Custom Extension
Extension Number: 2000
Extension Secrete: MySecret
Extension Label: Reception
Destination Server:
Transport: UDP
Sip Port: 5060
Click on Save Custom Extension
You will receive a warning that the Extension number already exists.
If this warning is by design because you are not suppose to have duplicate entries, then why are you allowed to create and Send the Custom Extension in the Extension Mapping screen?
Can you duplicate what I am seeing?
Is this a bug?
My proposal is that each Custom Extension be given a unique index number. This would be similar to the index number given to the extension when Max Contact is set greater than 1. Example
Extension Index: 1
Extension Number: 2000
Extension Secrete: MySecret
Extension Label: Reception
Destination Server:
Transport: UDP
Sip Port: 5060
Click save.
This would create in the Custom Ext Management list
Repeat the steps
Extension Index: 2
Extension Number: 2000
Extension Secrete: MySecret
Extension Label: Reception
Destination Server:
Transport: UDP
Sip Port: 5060
Click save.
Custom Ext Management list
Each entry would be unique, you would know which custom ext belongs to the mapped extension.
Thank you