Sad news for Tony Lewis

Sad news for Tony Lewis and the Lewis families, Tony’s brother Andy passed away suddenly last Friday. It hasn’t even been four years since we learned that he lost another brother unexpectedly.

Tony hardly needs an introduction here, but for those who don’t know, is a former lead for FreePBX and a long time supporter of the community here and open source in general.

Sending some positive energy your way @tonyclewis. A fund has been set up for those wishing to help.


@lgaetz thank you for the kind words here. I truly appreciate it. It’s been a rough couple days. He leaves behind a 2 and 5 year old. It was heart breaking to try and tell his 5 year old that her daddy won’t ever be coming home again. He was an amazing person and was always there to help everyone else in a time of need. We just want to make sure his wife and kids are well supported and appreciate anyone who feels moved to help support us with the link below.


My deepest condolences to you and your family Tony.

Oh man, so sorry for your and your families loss.

This is what we says to all mourners:
“The place (G-d) will comfort you among the rest of the mourners of Zion and Jerusalem”
My condolences.

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