S705 Reboots After Network Reboot

I been having to reboot all the phones after a network reboot (pfsense).

What is more troublesome is that a command like this

fwconsole epm reboot 4405

returns this

“Only works for Sangoma phones
Extension 4405 sent reboot command.”

but nothing happens on the phones end.

However when I go to the phone in the browser it is there, I can log in and reboot the phone.

The problems is I have 20 of these and doing it that way is slow and cumbersome.

I have even got the idea from this post to put it in a cron job

because it seem like these S705 need to reboot every week or so. But if they are not responding to “fwconsole epm reboot 4405” then a cron job would not work as well.

Can anyone give me any pointers on how to trouble shoot this problem.

Thank you very much

Are the extensions still registered in asterisk after this happens? Are your phones on a separate VLAN then your phone system and the firewall is handling inter VLAN traffic?

If you run pjsip show contacts are they still listed as available?

Have you tried restarting a phone with the following command?

pjsip send notify sangoma-check-cfg endpoint <extension>

“Are the extensions still registered in asterisk after this happens? Are your phones on a separate VLAN then your phone system and the firewall is handling inter VLAN traffic?”

The phones are on the same LAN as the they PBX.

“If you run pjsip show contacts are they still listed as available?”

Still on chan_sip, I need to switch soon. Planning on when I upgrade to new system.

Sorry for the assumption, what do you see when you type sip show peers instead?

At first I got
-bash: sip: command not found

Then I

fwconsole restart
asterisk -vvvvvr
sip show peers

Thank you for this view, and now I am able to see what is wrong but not sure how to fix it.

The phones that don’t reconnect are on a wire guard tunnel. But I have another one that does.

I know you probably cant help me with this, but ill explain it maybe you will know.

My home office subnet with the subnet of

2201/2201 D Yes Yes A 5060 OK (41 ms)

I can reboot the pfsense and not have to reboot the phones.

However my other location (not where the pbx is) i get, that is not my subnet that is the wireguard tunnel. The subnet should be

4404/4404 D Yes Yes A 47519 OK (50 ms)

so I have a few

4405/4405 D Yes Yes A 32970 OK (40 ms)

4413/4413 D Yes Yes A 6186 OK (82 ms)

4417/4417 D Yes Yes A 60429 OK (45 ms)

I have to reboot the phones for them to work again after a pfsense reboot.

The local network of the pbx shows this, just for clarity

4402/4402 D Yes Yes A 5060 OK (12 ms)

I just cant see what is the different between the two tunnels that is causing this. I have looked for hours now.

If you have any ideas please let me know.

Yea, not sure how to help but it looks like that WireGuard tunnel is somehow miss configured and setup to NAT traffic through it. You could possibly follow this tutorial to get it setup again?

You are correct my tunnels were not right. Thank you for that video, it really helped.

They are now showing my LANs correctly, however phones are still not able to connect after a Pfsense reboot. The phones have to be rebooted before they will work again.

Have you checked that the wireguard tunnel is properly connected after your pfSense restarts and traffic is flowing freely through before you restart your phones?

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