Running into phone not registering if Internet goes out?

Hello, I found a lot of people having the same problem as me. Losing Registering on the phones when the internet goes out. And many fixes or just to wait for when the internet goes out. The problem is all my servers and computers run on local network not internet. I thought the phones would be safe as in the the grandstream fbx box is internal being my analong lines are always on no matter if the internet or power goes out.

Now I’m at the point to where I need to fix this problem on figuring out what can I do to get this fixed. I’m going to brake down my network. If i lose internet I still have local ip address and everything I run is all on local it doesn’t reach the internet unless the computers need updating or browsing the internet. My server doesn’t do anything on the internet it is also local. My freepbx box I can reach it by pinging the ip address and even goes to the page if the internet goes out. Even the grandstream box can be reach and says the phone line are good.

MY phones are the only thing that goes out. And I don’t know why. I’m using Cisco9971 phones. They was configured almost 11 years ago. Is there a fix for this problem so I can keep registration activate?


If your phones and your freePBX server are in the same local network, there is no reason why the phones lose the connection to the freePBX server, when the www is down. Did you check the server address on the Cisco phones? Maybe they were set up, using the public external IP of your location.

Yes it is pointed to the same ip address. The server ip is internal static.

So, the Ciscos connect to an internal IP, e.g. 192.168.0.x?
In this case, how should the phones know, if the www is down? Are you sure there wasnt some sort of power outage too?

When I was away I saw my power was on. The UPS log shot there was a power outtage. Yes there was an outtage but the ups still stayed on. My neighbor said his internet was out as well same time as mine. ip address are Everything on the same network same internal addresses.

Maybe one of your network switches is not connected to a UPS…
If the Ciscos are properly configured, they should automatically restart after a few minutes, once they lose connection to the server.

I’m up and running now. This happen a few days ago. But I will check about the network switch and report back if any thing. Thank you.

Hello, Just an update.The poe switch that powers the phone and the freepbx server is connected to the the ups correctly. Something else seems to be wrong. I been searching online and online I found is in the programming of the phones The xml file it seems to connect cisco for a template that makes the phones work. If it can’t reach the internet it takes the phone offline to where it can’t be register. I did find this in the phone settings The dial plan in the phones everything goes to a online server. I did mange to trackdown the server and see all the files there.

Sinse I didn’t program the phone it came from a guy I found online it is his server. I copied the files and put them on my Own tftp server locally and pointed everything to that. Now when I lose internet the phones stay on.



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