Responsive Firewall Blocking Trusted IP Address

I have a phone that is located outside of my internal network. The IP address of the phone’s location is listed as Trusted on the networks tab of the firewall. Despite this whitelisting, the IP address keeps getting blocked on the Blocked Hosts tab. I have three outside phones with the same setup and configuration, and this one alone keeps getting blocked. It happens every few hours. Any idea why this may be happening? I have compared the asterisk log and compared this IP address to one that is similar and working fine and I cant see any differences. Is there any way to see why the Responsive Firewall is blocking the client?

Found /tmp/firewall.log…
1590850673: /sbin/iptables -w5 -W10000 -I fpbxnets 5 -s 73.229.–.--/32 -j zone-trusted
1592256870: Firewall-Monitoring - 73.229.–.-- reported as good, adding to whitelist.
1592263371: Firewall-Monitoring - 73.229.–.-- reported as good, adding to whitelist.
1592324029: Firewall-Monitoring - 73.229.–.-- reported as good, adding to whitelist.
1592337792: Firewall-Monitoring - 73.229.–.-- reported as good, adding to whitelist.

This is all that is reported on the ip address.

Any ideas? I have to go in and remove the IP address several times a day. This is driving me a little crazy.

We’ve seen this happen, too. Though not in the last couple weeks. Is your system up to date?

I think so. I have a script that updates nightly but I will definitely go in tomorrow and double check. Thanks for the tip.

We did two things. 1, I updated everything. The firewall went from x.x.x.11 to x.x.x.12 as did a few others. 2, We also moved the phone from plugged into the router/modem thru a switch to directly. Problem solved. I cant see how taking the switch out of the loop made a difference, but the problem has seemed to stop. With the updates, we had multiple phones in the same configuration and this was the only one with a problem, so I really don’t think that made any difference. I am wondering if the switch was a little screwy in some way. Their computers work thru it fine, though. Probably never know. Thanks!!

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