My Polycom SoundPoint (IP330) phones get provisionned by the system (i can see the firmware update working) but I end up with a softkey definition that I did not define myself and the do not work. The phones come with the first softkey assigned with label ‘Msgs’. When I press it, it displays “Message Center” and it hangs. I did not define that key myself. I cannot figure out where this softkey gets defined in my config.
If I define a function for the 1st softkey, it gets assigned to the second softkey. How do I get rid of the default “Msgs” softkey that does not even work ?
Cancel when it says “Starting Application” and then press the 1, 3, and 5 simultaneously and then enter the MAC (including the letters) and it will reset.
You have programming left over from a previous life - it nuking the phone doesn’t fix it, you might have some hard-coded phones from a specific vendor - in which case you are kind of stuck.