A friend of mine ended up moving offices. He doesn’t have his own ISP at his new office, so we left his PBX and other network infrastructure at his old office. He is plugged into a neighbor’s network at the new office, so there is no control over the gateway. I have asked the MSP for that network to confirm if SIP ALG is enabled…which they said “it’s not enabled” to.
His PJSIP S705’s are not staying registered. It feels like they’re “fighting” for registration.
I have set “use random port” on the phone UI’s…since we have multiple S705’s registering remotely over the NAT…but not sure if it’s working. I did this by editing the basefile in endpoint manager, since that doesn’t seem to be an editable setting in the GUI.
Thank you. I changed to TCP by enabling it in PJSIP Settings under Advanced Sip Settings, and changing the SIP Transport parameter in the basefile in EPM. I modified the NAT policies on their Palo Alto to allow the TCP, and now they are in business.
Edit: This reaffirms my refusal to purchase or advocate for a Sonicwall product ever.