I accidentally removed the Extension Routing module (FREE COMMERCIAL) and I just can’t seem to find a way to reinstall it. It still shows as activated. Can you please help me . Thanks.
You can install it in the GUI using module admin or just run the command
fwconsole ma downloadinstall extensionroutes
It did not work. This is what I get:
[root@pbx var]# fwconsole ma downloadinstall extensionroutes
No repos specified, using: [commercial,standard] from last GUI settings
Downloading module ‘extensionroutes’
The following error(s) occured:
- Retrieved Module XML Was Empty
It should work. Are you able to install any module? Have you modified the module repo from default? Is this a FreePBX Distro install?
Thanks for your help. Yes, this is a fresh install of FreePBX 16 distro. I registered Freepbx with a new ID and all the modules were there. I then tried to De-Activated the box in order to use another ID which had the Admin Module which I had bought under a different ID. For some reason it did not want to deactivate. At that point I remove the Extensions Routing module for some DUM reason. I finally got the box to deactivate and then registered with the existing ID which gave me the Admin module and the Extension Routing license and activated it fine. The problem was that now I was missing the Extension Routing module since I had removed it earlier. I did not modify the module repo from default; how would I check it?
Output from
fwconsole setting MODULE_REPO
You didn’t answer the most important question, are you able to download any modules? Does module admin work generally for installing and updating modules?
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