Regarding the 2.10 Distro

Hello Guys,

  Kind of struggling with the install of wanpipe, here it says it's installed but missing the config file so I wanted to get the freePBX Repo on my install so I can just yum update or what have you to get the install and the new software.

So here is what I am seeing:

[root@localhost ~]# wanrouter start

ERROR: Wanpipe configuration file not found:

[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa | grep wanpipe
[root@localhost ~]# amportal stop

Please wait…

Waiting for Asterisk to Stop Gracefully…

Asterisk Stopped

[root@localhost ~]# wanrouter stop

Router is already stopped !

I am not sure how to proceed from here, any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks again.

What Distro version are you using?

Hello Tony:

  Here is all the info:

uname -r

CentOS release 6.2 (Final)

php -r 'include("/etc/freepbx.conf");echo getversion(),"\n";'
