Redirect call to mobile phone after specific time

Hello guys, I want to redirect all my call to my 202 extension to my 331xxxxxxx every day after 20:30 from Monday to Friday.

How can I do that? I have used follow me but not work.

Simply set up a time condition using 2 extensions with the second extension being just for your find me, follow me

the second screen

Thanks for your replay. i have do this but no work

i have do another way. i have created a custom destination and redirect call by time condition. all works, but the number that FreePBX passed it’s the number of my company and not the number of callered.

One issue, I see right away is that you’re Using the default settings for ringtime, 20 seconds, and initial ringtime, 7 seconds on your cell phone.

You want it to call your cell phone right away so make the initial ring time zero seconds… And then make the Ringtime setting the maximum sixty seconds and not just twenty… You need to give the system plenty of time to contact you.

This is mi verbose. i have do what you suggest. but after amount of time the system show me the initial message. i attache the log. 08650000 is my company phone, 3500000 is number that call the 0865 and 3790000 is the number that I want to redirect the call

Thi is my log FPBL -

Is your extension failing over to this new Custom destination? I would follow a slightly different route and make it Failover to a Virtual extension (eg 2021) where the FindMe/Follow Me is setup to your mobile and Initial Ring time set to 0. Set the Outbound Caller ID for the extension and it should pass the remote caller’s Caller ID when it rings to your cell

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