Record File name explain


Call type: Internal
to: 102
Month: 01
Unix time:1737016179.6
Mime type: .wav

What is number of 102939 refer?

Time? 10 hours, 29 minutes, 39 seconds? So 10:29AM.


For clarification, the last piece is not the unix timestamp it is the uniqueid of the call itself. Call Recording Walk Through

@BlazeStudios thanks for your clarification.
last piece 1737016179.6 is unique-id make from timestamp.
Are this true?

You should treat it as opaque. It used to be constructed in a different way. It, currently, consists of the posix time stamp followed by a serial number (which may wrap round).

From a shell

date --date '@1737016179.6'

but the mantissa (.6) is the number of completed calls since last restart of asterisk.

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