Recommendations: SIP Trunking provider for Mexico DIDs (OUTBOUND)

Does anyone have good or bad experience with porting Mexico DIDs to a provider? Which Mexico provider would you recommend/not recommend?

Thanks in advance!


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So I’ve reached out to Voxbone (thanks dcitelecom for that referral), they are inbound carrier only right now.

Anyone know of a reliable outbound provider?

Seems like I misunderstood. You asked to port Mexico DIDs to a provider so I assumed inbound calls. Of course now that I read the header I see you want SIP trunking in Mexico.

Are you in Mexico? I might be wrong but wouldn’t you have to be physically in Mexico to connect to a local provider for local SIP trunks?

Thanks again for speedy response.

I am not located in Mexico, but my customer is (Mexico City). Do I need a presence in Mexico to provide local (voip) service to my Mexico customer?

I am looking at for SIP Trunking for 011 52 (mexico city) DIDs (for inbound and outbound calling)

Does anyone have Good or Bad experience with them?

Have you looked at VOIP Innovations? I’m really happy with them.

I just talked to Ryan at VI and verified they do trunking in Mexico City. He reminded me that I can too, but it’s probably cheaper for you to go straight to the horse’s mouth.

I am looking to get away from VI… lack of commitment and service nowadays