Hello friends,
I want to mount a VOIP switchboard with a Raspberry PI 4.
Can anyone inform me of the limitations?
How many simultaneous calls you can have.
I can configure answering machine to send the audios to the mail.
Thank you
Hello friends,
I want to mount a VOIP switchboard with a Raspberry PI 4.
Can anyone inform me of the limitations?
How many simultaneous calls you can have.
I can configure answering machine to send the audios to the mail.
Thank you
Take a look at RasPBX
You can’t run commercial modules.
That’s one way, or:
Yes, that’s a built in voicemail functionality.
The included script (install) and archive (install.tar.gz) will build
FreePBX 13, 14, or 15 plus Asterisk 13, 15, 16, or 17 on a Raspberry Pi.
iptables, dnsmasq, and exim4 are also installed.
Installation takes approximately 35 minutes to complete on a Raspberry Pi 4B.
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