Queue with Multilanguage

Hello guys. here a question about best practice on setup queue with multi language. Is it best practice to setup to separate queues? or is there a way to have a queue with to set of agents list where the call gets router to ? the main reason I’m asking is that the main queue is setup quite extensively and the reports are used. it seem to me a pain if you have to maintain 3 to 4 queue just for languages?
example if i have an IVR set up for English and Spanish. and I have 3 base queue.

IVR to Queue

  • 501 Coordination
    • English
    • Spanish
  • 502 Support
    • English
    • Spanish
  • 503 Sales
    • English
    • Spanish

Would that be 3 queue or 6 queue?

This is just opinion. The way I look at queues is from a agent and reporting perspective. If the same group of people can take the different call types, and there is no need to report out at a more granular level, then a consolidated call works. IF the group of agents cannot take all the call types, and/or if there is a need for more granular performance data for the call types, multiple queues is usually the way to go.

but how would you assign what agents to speak what lang?

see above…

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