Queue - To Continue to Hold


We have a queue, we are breaking out of it to an IVR at a predetermined interval and we’d like it to say “To Continue to hold, press 1 - to leave a message, press 2”.

How can we do this and maintain the callers place in line? We know how to break out of the queue into an IVR – and I assume we can just have option 1 go back to the queue, but would that keep their place in line?


How do you use “Breakout”?

If you are using it within the Queue, once the IVR message stops playing it will automatically return to the Queue and keep the callers place in line.

So you don’t need, press X to return.

Hi Itzik,

thanks for the response. Just out of curiosity, is it possible to have press X to continue to hold?

Yes. If you set the IVR as the Failover destination.
But I’m not sure if that will keep the place in line. (Probably not)

Also, myself as a caller wouldn’t like to press X every time the message plays to continue to hold.
What makes more sense, is press X to leave a Voicemail and we’ll get back to you bla bla bla

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