I’m trying to configure the queue callback and I’m not receiving a callback. In the queue callback logs it shows no information about any call even though I have gone through the prompts and left a number to be called back.
What do you see in the queue callback report? Can you post a screenshot?
Request a callback, and see if it shows up there. Note, it’s not live, you need to refresh the page.
Nothing shows in the queue report log when I request a callback.
Can you walk us through the steps you did to reach the callback system?
Also, please post a pastebin link with a call trace. See instructions: https://wiki.freepbx.org/display/SUP/Providing+Great+Debug#ProvidingGreatDebug-AsteriskLogs-PartII
I have a test queue setup with the callback setup on.
I called the main phone number for the system that goes through the IVR recording.
I setup number 8 to go to the test queue.
I press 8 and go to the queue.
Before answering the call while the call is waiting in the queue I press 1 and get the recording about the phone number to be used for the callback. I then press 1 to accept then record my name then press #. It says I will get a call back and the phone hangs up.
Please read the Wiki and post a pastebin link as explained there.
Also, whats the output of:
fwconsole pm2 --list
The command you asked me to run may answer the question as to why it is not working.
I ran fwconsole pm2 --restart qcallback and the service started. I ran a test and got a callback. Thank you for your help!
Make sure it says online. The picture shows the status as errored
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