Question for Server Activation

Hello community,

I have a little concern and was curious how I should proceed.

We host our FreePBX instance on a virtual server. I know, don’t throw anything at me. But tbh, it’s working great for us. Our usage isn’t much despite having 400 endpoints (we’re a school, so we have phones in every classroom). In any event, that’s not the problem. In fact it helped the other day when the server started dropping packets. I was able to migrate the virtual instance to another server while we addressed the problems with the original server.

What I didn’t realize was that when migrating the virtual server, we would need to reactivate it. Whatever, no big deal, lets get it activated so our commercial modules work.

Now that we have the original server sorted out, I’d like to move it back. In order to do that, I need to re-do activation again. But I noticed in the documentation I can only do two activations. And it’s not very clear what happens after that. Has anyone had any experience with this? Or is this something I should direct to support?

Thank you!
~ Kyle

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