Question about FreepBX

I’m wanting to get an 0800 number so I can have people call me for free… If I setup FreePBX on my own server, can I SIP forward said number to my own FreePBX software and have calls diverted to my mobile using VoIP apps such as ZoiPer and have the call be completely free for not only myself but also people who call me? (Apart from the cost of the 0800 number of course)

If this is the case, how do I go about getting an 0800 number, I can’t seem to find a company that offers one with SIP Forwarding.

Thanks in advance. rather ask here to see if this is possible before trying to wondering why I can’t get something to work as I intend.

Note: I have no intention to use the number for outgoing calls, only inbound.

I buy my numbers from PBXcomplete who also sell 0800 numbers, so I can answer your question with 99% certainty: Winkelwagen - PBXcomplete

The provider has to cover the cost of the calls. They are either going to charge you for the call time, or load into the rental charge, for the number, with acceptable use limits that ensure they still make a profit.

If you want people to call you free, you should get them to do so using WebRTC. Both you and they still need to pay for the internet connectivity, and electricity costs, but they may not be perceived as costs, for your purposes.

I assume by price you mean rental price, as no-one is going to offer anything for a one off payment.

Actually, this isn’t a question about FreePBX, to any significant extent, at all. I’d suggest changing the subject.

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