Problem with Teleggram notification on ring group

Hello. I am new to both FreePBX and VoIP, so please forgive me if my question is lame.

I am attempting to attach telegram notification for missed calls to a ring group. For this i added context to extensions_custom.conf, registered it as custom destination and set it as ring group’s Destination if no answer. The group has 38 seconds ring time and ringall strategy. It works fine if at least one of the extensions in the list has user connected to it. However when none of the softphones is active Destination if no answer is called on each ring with ${DIALSTATUS} = NOANSWER and i get one notification per ring cycle instead of one per call. I found some examples of implementing logic that notifies only on first ring in such situation, but find this wrong, as this way user can connect and answer call that already sent notification to others, causing mess.

Most examples that can be found on Internet assume that call to ring gorup’s Destination if no answer with NOANSWER dial status can be received only when ring group timer expires. On several occasions this was stated to be the expected behavior of FreePBX. In my setup this happens only when at least one softphone is connected to the server. When all extensions in the list are disconnected i get it on each ring. Is this indication of missconfiguration somewhere else?

We would need to see this custom context and at least the output of a call…

To get the output SSH in and do asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvv and pastebin the output and provide the link.

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