Problem with migration

Hopefully someone can assist me with the following error. Trying to migrate an old freepbx 2.10 machine to the newest distro. I read a recommendation in another post to use the tool.

Have tried it and I keep getting the same error on the NEW machine during the process:

>     [|] Download in progress ... Received 78145873952 of Resource id #16
>             Validating ... Complete!
>     Decrypting and extracting ... tar: var/lib/asterisk/moh: Cannot create symlink to `mohmp3': File exists
>     tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors
>     Error!
>     There was an error restoring the conversion data.
>     Please retry the conversion
>     Cleaning up...Done!

The donor is a freshly installed machine using the Freepbx distro prepped following the instructions for the tool.

Any suggestions on how to fix this error?

Got the exact same issue. Found anything on your side ?

I received the same error, was there ever a fix?