Port management not updating after changes to get Sangoma Connect working

Current Asterisk Version: 19.8.0
FreePBX 16.0.39

I’ve purchased the free 2-user Sangoma Connect license to test befire getting the full license.
But despite following the documentation here:

I cannot however progress past the ports section because when making the appropriate changes and clicking Update the green bar appears saying saving pleae wait and then the settings revert.

Previous topics on this same problem draw no answers.
fwconsole ma upgradeall
yum update -y
fwconsole chown
all fail to resolve.

Can anyone provide assistance in what logs I can check to get a verbose understanding of what is failing?


have you tried rebooting the server or at least freepbx services?

Hi thanks for taking the time to respond.
Yes - rebooted several times after making changes.
Apache configured fine with the Lets encrypt certificate and public hostname resolves etc.
normal https access to the admin dashboard is working but it seems that the changes required to the apache config aren’t getting made for the different ports to operate of the custom ports etc.

Maybe it’s a permissions issue?

Try fwconsole chown and then try the changes again.

I wish it were that but alas no.
I will start grepping for the log file if no one has any other ideas.

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