Polycom Directory Generator (MeMoToo / iCloud / Google)

So I searched for this and struggled. Memotoo has an LDAP service that can sync, but you can’t browse, only search. Polycom phones also don’t lookup caller ID against this.

So I wrote this:

    $debug = false | isset($_GET['debug']);
    $username = 'memotoo username';
    $password = 'memotoo password';
    $requestURI = "https://www.memotoo.com/contactsCSV.php?login=" . $username . "&password=" . md5($password);
    $tempfile = './temp.csv';
    $result = copySecureFile($requestURI, $tempfile) or die ("couldn't open file");
    if ($debug) print  $result;

    $file = fopen($tempfile,"r");
    $_data = array();
    $headers = fgetcsv($file);
    while($row = fgetcsv($file))
        array_push($_data, $row);    
    if ($debug) print  ('\r printing data from CSV\r');
    if ($debug) print_r($_data);
    $_rdata = array();
    $_drkeys = array('lastname' => 1, 'firstname' => 2, 'workphone' => 22, 'homephone' => 19, 'personalmob' => 20, 'workmob' => 23, 'company' => 4);
    if ($debug) print  ('\r Checking for names\r');
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_data); $i++) {
        if ((strlen($_data[$i][$_drkeys['lastname']]) > 0) || (strlen($_data[$i][$_drkeys['firstname']]) > 0) || (strlen($_data[$i][$_drkeys['company']]) > 0)) {
            array_push($_rdata, array($_data[$i][$_drkeys['lastname']],
        } else {
            if ($debug) print  ('\r no name for row ' . $i . '\r');
    if ($debug) print_r($_rdata);
    //dispose original data
    if ($debug) print  ('\r Now to regenerate for phone numbers \r');
    $_xdata = array();
    for ($i = 0; $i < count($_rdata); $i++) {
        // Loop through $_rdata
        $_phonenos = array();
        if (strlen($_rdata[$i][3]) > 0) array_push($_phonenos, array($_rdata[$i][3], ' (Work)'));
        if (strlen($_rdata[$i][4]) > 0) array_push($_phonenos, array($_rdata[$i][4], ' (Home)'));
        if (strlen($_rdata[$i][5]) > 0) array_push($_phonenos, array($_rdata[$i][5], ' (Mobile)'));
        if (strlen($_rdata[$i][6]) > 0) array_push($_phonenos, array($_rdata[$i][6], ' (Work Mob.)'));
        for ($j = 0; $j < count($_phonenos); $j++)
                    $_rdata[$i][0], //ln
                    $_rdata[$i][1], //fn
                    $_rdata[$i][1] . " " . $_rdata[$i][0] . $_phonenos[$j][1], //lb
                    $_phonenos[$j][0], //ct
    if ($debug) print_r($_xdata);

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="true"?>

<!-- $RCSfile$ $Revision: 35928 $ -->
                if ($debug) print  'Array count ' . count($_xdata);
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($_xdata); $i++)
                    echo "\t\t<item>\r";
                    echo "\t\t\t<ln>" . $_xdata[$i][0] . "</ln>\r";
                    echo "\t\t\t<fn>" . $_xdata[$i][1] . "</fn>\r";
                    echo "\t\t\t<lb>" . $_xdata[$i][2] . "</lb>\r";
                    echo "\t\t\t<ct>" . $_xdata[$i][3] . "</ct>\r";
                    echo "\t\t</item>\r";

* Copy File from HTTPS/SSL location
* @param string $FromLocation
* @param string $ToLocation
* @return boolean
function copySecureFile($FromLocation,$ToLocation,$VerifyPeer=false,$VerifyHost=2)
// Initialize CURL with providing full https URL of the file location
$Channel = curl_init($FromLocation);
// Open file handle at the location you want to copy the file: destination path at local drive
$File = fopen ($ToLocation, "w");
// Set CURL options
curl_setopt($Channel, CURLOPT_FILE, $File);
// We are not sending any headers
curl_setopt($Channel, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
// Disable PEER SSL Verification: If you are not running with SSL or if you don't have valid SSL
curl_setopt($Channel, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, $VerifyPeer);
// Disable HOST (the site you are sending request to) SSL Verification,
// if Host can have certificate which is nvalid / expired / not signed by authorized CA.
curl_setopt($Channel, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, $VerifyHost);
// Execute CURL command
// Close the CURL channel
// Close file handle
// return true if file download is successfull
return file_exists($ToLocation);


Which generates the appropriate xml for a 0000000000-dir.xml file. I’m just going to stick it in a cron job.

Only tested with a small contact list so far - please give it a try and feedback! It’s very hacked together so please excuse lack of customisation options / language support.

All the best,

To add, will likely need to change this to write an …-directory.xml file - haven’t got home to try this on an actual phone yet and see whether pointing at a php file will work.