Pjsip setup for Flowroute Trunk

I have been using freepbx for years with the older chan_sip drive. I’m trying to get a chan_pjsip going, but not having any luck.

Can someone point me at a howto or some settings?


I made a write up a little while back (6 years ago???). Be sure to read all the replies because I didn’t get everything right. I also haven’t actively used Flowroute for a number of years so it’s very possible even more has changed. But it’s a place to start.

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Since Flowroute revamped their support page, this is no longer easily accessible. Here is a snapshot of the old Flowroute support site, using Wayback Machine.

If you are still using chan-sip with the old(i.e. sip.flowroute.com), its likely you are not getting all your calls delivered, FYI. Since the calls can come from any of the POPs.

Thanks for that. I dug around on their support page for an hour yesterday and came up with nothing.

Post your chan_sip settings and we’ll try to show you a pjsip equivalent.

Mask personal info, but make it clear what each item represents. For example, replace your username with uuuu, password with pppp, phone number with nnnn, etc.

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