
Hello, I’d like to add the command to reboot Snom phones in pjsip_notify.conf.
The file is not writable with Config Edit as it is auto-generated, so I didn’t edit it from Linux either.
The file doesn’t include custom files though, so I was wondering: how do I add commands to pjsip_notify? Can I just edit it despite the warnings? Thanks.

You shouldn’t edit that file. You can add additional notify contexts in /etc/asterisk/sip_notify_custom.conf

Not true:

Incidentally I think the header comments aren’t entirely true. I don’t think this file is customised on the fly. On the other hand one still shou;dn’t uipdate it. It might interfere with sytem upgrades and it might trigger tamper alarms.

Sorry, my bad, I thought the hash commented the line, but I remembered wrong. It’s part of the construct. Thanks.

The sip_notify.conf is for chan_sip, chan_pjsip uses pjsip_notify.conf asterisk/configs/samples/pjsip_notify.conf.sample at master · asterisk/asterisk · GitHub

FreePBX puts #include statements in pjsip_notify.conf to include the chan_sip versions inside them. This really should be reversed as eventually there will be no need to generate chan_sip configs.

Edited to reflect what files includes what. I had it reversed originally.

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