I want to add a new extension (Sangoma P325). I followed the official guide and everything works fine until this step: https://sangomakb.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/Phones/pages/14156579/Provisioning+P-Series+Phones+With+FreePBX+PBXact#Mapping-Extensions-to-your-Template
When I follow the instructions I get the error
“Failed to load the File. Error is captured in /tftpboot/DigiumLoadXmlFailedFiles/4009-1/000FD3D1654D.cfg DOMDocument::loadXML(): Specification mandate value for attribute Attributes in Entity, line: 558”.
on the top-left side of the screen.
On the top-right side there ist the following message:
- “Failed to load the File. Error is captured in /tftpboot/DigiumLoadXmlFailedFiles/4009-1/000FD3D1654D.cfg DOMDocument::loadXML(): Specification mandate value for attribute Attributes in Entity, line: 558”
When I jump into the file to look for line 558 I can see this:
558 </appconfig><certs><cert id=“7” label=“Imported from file system”>Bag Attributes: <Empty Attributes>subject=/CN=*.mycompany.tldissuer=/C=US/O=Company1/OU=www.domain.tld/CN=Company2 TLS RSA CA ALOTOFSYMBOLS==Bag Attributes friendlyName: *.mycompany.tldKey Attributes: <No Attributes>-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----MORESYMBOLS==-----END PRIVATE KEY-----</cert></certs>"
Some additional informations:
- I had to install the DPMA-Package manually before I was able to enable the use of DPMA in the Global Setting of Endpoint Manager. Everything else worked fine.
At the moment I am really stuck. It would be greate to have some suggestions.
Best regards.