Per extension chronological CDR stats/report needed

I know the CDR report that comes with FreePBX will give a call breakdown, but it does have one glaring hole that has a client bothered. You can’t restrict which extensions can be reported on by a logged in user. So if I have a manager that say his department has extensions from 8500 to 8599, we want to provide a login to FPBX, and when he looks at the CDR report he is restricted to that range of users.

I have found a report that seems to do a fair job, and it seems to understand the restrictions (Asternic CDR Report), which is super. The nit pick with my client is, they have to look at inbound or outbound calls, where what they want is to see ALL calls, in a chronological order for review. So they can look at a phone support person, and see just how much they are actually on the phone.

Is anyone aware of a reporting system that will do this?

I am not aware of any.